Title: Solving Linear Systems over Cyclotomic Fields Speaker: Michael Monagan, CECM. Abstract: We present some analysis and improvements to a modular algorithm that uses Chinese remaindering and rational reconstruction to solve a linear system $A x = b$ over a cyclotomic field. If $m(z)$ is the minimal polynomial for the field, a cyclotomic polynomial of degree $d$, we exploit the fact that it is relatively easy (we give a fast algorithm for this) to find primes which split $m(z)$ into linear factors. This means we can solve $Ax = b$ modulo a prime $p$ at each root of $m(z)$ using machine arithmetic (which makes this fast in practice) and potentially in parallel. One if the questions we address is how large the integers in the solution vector $x$ can be and what is the best way to do the reconstruction. If $n = \dim A$ and $d = \deg m(z)$, it turns out that in general, the integers in $x$ can be $n d$ times longer than those in the input $A,b.$ If we are permitted to output the solution $x$ as a ratio of determinants, which we can do using Chinese remaindering, we can reduce the size of the output by a factor of $d$ in general. We present timings comparing the two algorithms and a linear $p$-adic lifting algorithm on three sets of benchmarks. Two of the sets from are real problems where the size of the integers in $x$ is much smaller than expected, the other benchmark is randomly generated input. This is joint work with Liang Chen.