When I was a student, abelian functions were, as an effect of the Jacobian tradition, considered the uncontested summit of mathematics, and each of us was ambitious to make progress in this field. And now? The younger generation hardly knows abelian functions.Felix Klein [21]
Felix Klein's lament from a hundred years ago has an uncomfortable timelessness to it. Sadly, it is now possible never to see what Bochner referred to as ``the miracle of the theta functions'' in an entire university mathematics program. A small piece of this miracle is required here [6], [11], [28]. First some standard notations. The complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively,
The modular function is defined by
We wish to make a few comments about modular functions in general before restricting
our attention to the particular modular function . Modular functions
are functions which are meromorphic in H, the upper half of the complex plane, and
which are invariant under a group of linear fractional transformations, G, in the
sense that
The definitions we have given above are not complete. We will be more precise in our
discussion of . One might bear in mind that much of the theory for
holds in considerably greater generality.
The fundamental region F we associate with is the set of complex
Now some of the miracle of modular functions can be described. Largely because every
point in the upper half plane is the image of a point in F under an element of the
-group, one can deduce that any
-modular function that is bounded
on F is constant. Slightly further into the theory, but relying on the above, is
the result that any two modular functions are algebraically related, and resting on
this, but further again into the field, is the following remarkable result. Recall
that q is given by (5.9).
Let z be a primitive pth root of unity for p an odd prime. Consider the pth order modular equation forThe modular equation foras defined by
Then the function
is a polynomial in x and
( independent of q), which has integer coefficients and is of degree p+1 in both x and
The miracle is not over. The p th-order multiplier (for ) is defined by
One is now in possession of a pth-order algorithm for , namely: Let
. Then
The function is 1-1 on F and has a well-defined inverse,
, with branch points only at 0, 1 and
. This can be used to
provide a one line proof of the ``big'' Picard theorem that a nonconstant entire
function misses at most one value (as does
). Indeed, suppose g is an entire
function and that it is never zero or one; then
is a
bounded entire function and is hence constant.
Littlewood suggested that, at the right point in history, the above would have been a
strong candidate for a `one line doctoral thesis'.