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Contents Next: Remarks Up: Binary Cubic Forms and Previous: Algorithmic Characterization of

The Heilbronn-Davenport Theorem


We first recall the following results from algebraic number theory.

Proposition 4.1

Let K be a cubic number field of discriminant , and write where is a fundamental discriminant (including 1). Then:


We can now state and prove the theorem of Davenport-Heilbronn.

Theorem 4.2

We have . In other words, the maps and are discriminant preserving inverse bijections between isomorphism classes of cubic fields and binary cubic forms belonging to U.


As a consequence of this theorem and of the results of the previous section, we now have an effficient algorithm to test whether a cubic form corresponds to the image of a cubic field by the Davenport-Heilbronn map as follows

Theorem 4.7

Let be a cubic form. This algorithm outputs true or false according to whether F corresponds to the image of a cubic field by the Davenport-Heilbronn map.


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Contents Next: Remarks Up: Binary Cubic Forms and Previous: Algorithmic Characterization of