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The Home Stretch


Around 1980, we purchased a share in a VAX-11/780 with the intention of running long mathematical programs during the off-hours when it was otherwise unused. In the same year, Thompson sent John McKay two papers [28,29] outlining a connection between a codeword of weight 12 and a set of fixed-point free involutions. When McKay showed me the papers, I was finally hooked. We had a computer looking for a problem and the search for codewords of weight 12 was a problem looking for a computer. I started by writing a simple computer program to play with the ideas. Little did I know that it would become a 9 year undertaking! We realised very early that the weight 12 case was going to take a lot of computer time. So I showed my simple program to Larry Thiel, who has a reputation of making any computer program run faster. Right away, he saw ways of speeding it up. He and Stanley Swiercz wrote most of our computer programs.

We realised also that it is important to estimate how long a computer search would take. It would be useless to speed up a program by a factor of ten, if the resulting program still requires 100 years to run. However, speeding it up by a factor of 1000 would make the search feasible in our environment. By adapting Knuth's Monte Carlo method [16], we estimated that the search tree had about nodes. Hoping that we could process nodes per second, we arrived at an estimate of 50 days of computer time.

I was going to present the final results at the Ninth Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics in 1981, but the program development was slower than expected. At the conference, I had to quickly change my plan and talked about a feasibility study of such a search [17]. The program was finally developed and the search finished late in 1982. We did not find a completed incidence matrix and so, [18]. Ryser was happy with the result and encouraged us to continue. Hall was both excited and pessimistic. He wrote, ``For the first time, I doubt that a plane of order 10 exists.''

The search for weight 12 codewords took 183 days instead of the predicted 50. The main reason for the discrepancy was that we could process only about nodes per second instead of . Yet, we learned a lot about the planning of the search, the estimation process, and the optimization techniques --- knowledge which became useful in our later programs. In retrospect, we probably could have reduced the size of the search tree by another factor of 10 and come within the predicted time.


Even before the search for the weight 12 codeword was finished, we were looking for a way to solve the whole problem. One possibility is to determine and then the weight enumerator. Unless the weight enumerator provides a contradiction, we still have to perform another search. Hall in [14] proved that if , then there exist primitive weight 20 codewords, which intersect the lines of the plane in at most four points. We might be able to skip the step of finding if we could go directly to weight 20. Unfortunately, we obtained an estimate of at least weight 20 starting configurations. Even though, as Hall remarked, it required only a few minutes of computer time to try each starting configuration, a few minutes times equaled years --- clearly beyond our capability. There was no short cut which could avoid computing the weight enumerator.

During my visit to the University of Cambridge in 1982, Thompson showed me Carter's thesis and suggested that we might be able to finish the remaining cases. It was the first time I read his thesis and I was surprised by how familiar his computing techniques were. We had rediscovered a lot of what was already in his thesis! Thompson also made me promise to redo Carter's work on weight 16, just to have an independent verification of its correctness. Although I have yet to do it, I still intend to fulfil this promise.

In the mean time, Larry had developed an extremely useful prototyping program, called NPL. It had a very humble beginning. Working with incidence matrices meant that we often had to draw them and fill in large numbers of zeros and ones. As a labour saving move, we started drawing templates and then making photocopies. Larry took this one step further, printing the matrices with a computer rather than drawing the templates by hand. Soon we included the capability of initializing the starting configurations and later, the ability to backtrack was also included. Before long, it became a full-blown prototyping program, capable of performing estimations and adapting to new configurations. It turned out to be an extremely useful tool. We could quickly explore an idea for an ``improvement'' to the search. Ideas that turned out to increase the required CPU time were discarded. We could use it to plan our final search in detail, without having to write the program first. The most exciting stage was this planning stage.

Using NPL, we found a feasible way to solve the remaining cases of Carter. Compared to Carter's work, we found a better search order and a better use of the symmetry, both reducing the size of the search tree. Carefully optimised programs to implement the planned attack were written for each of the remaining cases. Running on two VAX computers, it took the equivalent of 80 days of computing on a VAX-11/780 [19]. No completed incidence matrix was found and hence . Now that , and were all known to be zero, we could compute the weight enumerator of the binary error-correcting code for the plane of order 10 [20]. What catches the eye is that . If one follows the same method of finding starting configurations and trying to extend them, then one will either construct the plane or show that it does not exist.


Even before we finished our search for the weight 16 case, Thompson was already busy at work. In a letter dated October 24, 1983, he enclosed a copy of his unpublished note [30] with a list of 82 starting configurations for the weight 19 case. He constructed them by hand and had not checked for pairwise inequivalence. He ended the letter with ``I hope you'll press on with this question, although perhaps I am too greedy''. It was a challenge that we could not refuse. I quickly wrote up a program and found 65 starting configurations. Larry also upgraded his NPL program to include isomorphism testing and found 66 configurations! After cross checking our results, I found that his numbers were correct. We also reconciled our numbers with those of Thompson. At last, we could see the finish line at a distance.

By simple counting arguments, 17 of the 66 cases can easily be eliminated. Four other cases are eliminated in a more ad hoc manner. Scott Crossfield, working with me as an NSERC Summer Undergraduate Assistant, obtained estimates for each of the remaining 45 cases. Our preliminary results indicated that the problem could be solved with another two years of computing time. These arguments and estimation results were presented in [19].

We decided to solve these cases by starting from the easy ones and hoping to discover better methods for the more difficult ones. We hedged our preliminary estimates by saying that it might be too optimistic. Our estimate of how fast the computer could test the acceptability of a column was based on our experience of the weight 12 and 16 cases. For weight 19, this test was much slower for technical reasons which were related to the fact that 19 is an odd number whereas the other two numbers are even. We could proceed only about 60 nodes per second, giving an estimate of 100 years to finish the search. To make the search feasible, we needed to speed it up by another factor of 100. The only possibility left was to use a faster computer, bringing to mind a supercomputer. Fortunately, our method could be easily adapted to use the vectoring capability of a supercomputer [31]. It was time to ask for help. Both Hall and Thompson suggested that IDA might be willing because it had helped Carter previously. After some discussion with Nick Patterson, the deputy director of the Communication Research Division at IDA, he agreed to run our yet undeveloped program on their CRAY-1A as the lowest priority job using up the otherwise idling computer. He and Douglas Wiedemann, who was on leave from IDA pursuing graduate studies at the University of Waterloo, gave us many suggestions on the efficient usage of the CRAY. In addition, Patterson looked after the day-to-day running of the program for over two years. He was the unsung hero in the successful completion of our work.

In the mean time, Concordia had acquired more and more VAX computers. Soon, we were running our program on five different computers. We figured that there was enough computing resources at Concordia to solve all but a few of the most difficult cases. So we targeted the CRAY program for only one type of starting configuration which contained all the most difficult cases. The other configurations were left for our VAX computers to solve. All the cases at Concordia finished around January 1987 and took the equivalent of 800 days of VAX-11/780 computer time.


There are many considerations that go into developing a computer program which runs for months and years. Interruptions, ranging from power failures to hardware maintenance, are to be expected. A program should not have to restart from the very beginning for every interruption; otherwise, it may never finish. To solve the restarting problem, we partitioned our starting configurations into smaller cases and a message was output onto a log file every time one of them was finished. If there was an interruption, we just looked up the last completed case and continued from that point. For our programs, a convenient subdivision was at the ``A2'' boundary; more details can be found in [19,21]. The messages written on the log file also contained statistics about the run to allow comparison and verification of the results.

In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises involved in running programs at a long distance, we also put in a number of safety checks. Most of them were related to testing whether the sizes of the internal data structures were large enough. For lack of memory space, one could not merely allocate the largest expected size for every structure. Instructions were given on how to selectively increase the sizes. Some data structures were so specialized that their size could not be increased. We temporarily ignored the problem by deciding to handle them later, if necessary. Of course, we hoped that it would not be necessary. We finished developing our CRAY program in 1986 and we were relieved to obtain a final estimate of about 3 months of CRAY computer time. It started running at IDA in the fall of 1986 and was to await completion in two to three years.

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