Theorem 2.1

  Suppose that z satisfies |z| < 1 and that for some power series of the form . Then


and , with equality if and only if and . Furthermore, there exists a such that if , then z is a negative real number.


We note that




Now for |z| < 1,


and so we conclude that if is violated, then . Equality is possible in only if z is real, and we easily check that for ,

only at . For , equality holds in when for ; i.e., when

Let . Then maps to the interior of the circle one of whose diameters is

but maps to

so fails if . Moreover, if , still fails unless

We next prove that the only with |z| close to are negative real numbers. Since intersects the closed set

only at , there exist , such that fails for z in


It only remains to find the possible elements of that lie in


For ,


so if , then we must have . Since for , and , to achieve , we must have for , say. Then




Hence for |z| =r,



On the circle ,



On the other hand, , so by Rouché's theorem and have the same number of zeros inside . By the earlier part of the argument, and another application of Rouché's theorem, and have the same number of zeros inside , namely one. Therefore has exactly one zero inside , and since has real coefficients, this zero has to be real.