MACM 201 Lecture Videos

Lec0.mp4 Introduction to MACM 201 Discrete Mathematics II

Lec1.mp4 Combinatorial Objects: Sets, Strings, Graphs and Trees

Lec2.mp4 Basic Counting Principles

Lec3.mp4 Combinations and the Binomial Theorem

Lec4.mp4 Combinations with Repetition

Lec5.mp4 Counting in Graphs

Lec6.mp4 Graph Isomorphism

Lec7.mp4 Introduction to Discrete Probability

Lec8.mp4 Conditional Probability and Independence

Lec9.mp4 Random Variables and Expectation

Lec10.mp4 Applications of Discrete Random Variables

Lec11.mp4 Introduction to Recurrence Relations

Lec12.mp4 Solving First Order Recurrences

Lec13.mp4 Solving Second Order Recurrences

Lec14.mp4 Solving First Order non-homogeneous Recurrences

Lec15.mp4 Solving Second Order non-homogeneous Recurrences

Lec16.mp4 Divide and Conquer Algorithm Recurrences

Lec17.mp4 Introduction to Generating Functions

Lec18.mp4 Calculating with Generating Functions

Lec19.mp4 Rational Generating Functions

Lec20.mp4 Partial Fractions and Series Division

Lec21.mp4 Solving Recurrences using Generating Functions

Lec22.mp4 The Summation Operator and Mathematicsl Induction

Lec23.mp4 Multigraphs

Lec24.mp4 Euler Circuits and Euler Trails

Lec25.mp4 Planar Graphs

Lec26.mp4 Planar Graphs cont.

Lec27.mp4 Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles

Lec28.mp4 Trees

Lec29.mp4 Trees and Rooted Trees

Lec30.mp4 Tree Traversals and Depth-First-Search Spanning trees

Lec31.mp4 Articulation Points and Biconnected Components

Lec32.mp4 Weighted Graphs and Minimum Spanning Trees

Lec33.mp4 Final Exam Info. and Review

Review.mp4 Review of Midterm Problems