README for the package, meaning the file and its unzipped contents. 04 September 2002, Alexa van der Waall DESCRIPTION AND LICENSE The package is designed for calculating algebraic Lame' equations in Maple 7. It is distributed as a scientific publication. You are free to use it. If you obtain publishable results with it, please make an appropriate reference. It's hard work writing such a package. DISCLAIMER The author does not claim any correctness or purpose of the package. You are free to use it, but in no way shall the author be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of the package. If you find bugs, I'd like to hear them, but I do not guarantee any support. INSTALLATION This package is developped for Maple 7 on a UNIX system. Proceed in the following way to install the package (I presume you have it). 1. Make sure you have a proper installation of Maple 7 on your system. The package may work with other versions as well. 2. Create a directory you want to reside in and copy to that directory. Make it your current directory and make sure that it contains no files or directories that can not be destroyed. 3. Type "unzip" to unpack the archive. This creates a directory called algLame in your current directory. You don't need after this anymore (but you might want to keep it for backup). 4. The directory algLame contains the files algLame.mpl, algLame.mws and this READMEalgLame.txt file. * algLame.mpl contains all procedures for obtaining algebraic Lame' equations. * algLame.mws is a Maple-worksheet that introduces the procedures of algLame.mpl and shows how they work. 5. Each time you want to use the routines, make sure that your current directory is the directory algLame. Then start Maple and type: read(`algLame.mpl`): If you start Maple from elsewhere, you have to supply the full path for algLame.mpl in the read command. NOTE Routines should return correct output for correct input. Some routines try to check the validity of their arguments to protect the user from easy to make mistakes, but others don't. See the worksheet algLame.mws for some examples for how to use the package.