MATH 441/741/819 Assignment 2. Spring 2014. Due Thursday February 6th at 2:30pm. Late policy: -20% for up to 24 hours late. Zero for more than 24 hours late. Problems marked * are for MATH 819 students only. Michael Monagan Problems from the book. Section 2.2 #1,2,4,10 Section 2.3 #1,3,5 Section 2.4 #3,8,10* Section 2.5 #1,6,7,10,12,13,14 Section 2.6 #2,3,9,12* Notes on exercises. For question 2.3 #1, use f = x^4 y^2 + x^3 y^2 - y + 1 instead. For question 2.6 #9 use the lex monomial ordering in part (b) not invlex. For question 2.3 #3, the command in Maple is > Groebner[NormalForm]( f, [f1,f2], MO ); It computes the remainder of f divided by (f1,f2) wrt the monomial ordering MO. The help page ?MonomialOrders describes the available monomial orderings. The lex monomial ordering in k[x,y] with x>y is plex(x,y), the grlex ordering is grlex(x,y) and grevlex is tdeg(x,y). Additional problems 1: The monomial ordering grlex with x>y can be described by simply writing down the ordering thus 1 < y < x < y^2 < x y < x^2 < y^3 < x y^2 < x^2 y < x^3 < ... To better understand the difference between the grlex and grevlex orderings write down the ordering explicitly up to and including all monomials of total degree 3 for both grlex and grevlex and for both k[x,y] and k[x,y,z] and notice where they differ. What do you observe for k[x,y]? An easy way to do this is to use the sort command in Maple. Let f := 1+x+y+z+...+x^3+y^3+z^3 be the polynomial with all the terms. To sort the terms in grlex order with x>y>z use sort( f, order=grlex(x,y,z) ); To sort in the grevlex order with x>y>z, use sort( f, order=tdeg(x,y,z) ); 2: Suppose we are dividing f by (f[1],...,f[s]) under some monomial ordering. The division algorithm I presented in class was (a[1],...,a[s]) := (0,...,0) (p,r) := (f,0) while p <> 0 do Let i be the first index s.t. LT(f[i]) | LT(p). If no such i exists then set (p,r) := (p-LT(p),r+LT(p)) else set t := LT(p)/LT(f[i]); (p,a[i]) := (p-t*f[i],a[i]+t). return (a[1],...,a[s],r) Prove that that the values of the variables satisfy the loop invariant f = a[1] f[1] + ... + a[s] f[s] + p + r each time the while condition p <> 0 is executed. Thus conclude that if the loop terminates, p = 0 and hence the output satisfies f = a[1] f[1] + .... + a[s] f[s] + 0 + r.