MATH 341, Algebra III: Groups

Hours and Location for Lecture, Tutorial and office hours

Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 15:30-16:20
First lecture is Monday January 8, 2024
Instructor: Nils Bruin
Course information: See Canvas for further notification, assignments, solutions, and lecture notes (if required).


A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Third Edition
by Marlow Anderson and Todd Feil
Taylor and Francis, 2015
ISBN 978-1-4822-4552-3

Note: The third edition has received an extensive rewrite and expansion of its chapters about group theory, so earlier editions are not suitable.

Topics covered in course


Finite Groups: Subgroups: Cyclic Groups: Permutation Groups: Isomorphisms: Cosets and Lagranges Theorem: Normal Subgroups and Factor Group: Group Homomorphisms: Sylow Theorems: Other topics:

Examination, Grading and Assignments

Scoring Formula

Assignments: 15%
Midterm: 30%
Final examination: 55%

Cheating policy

Don't cheat. Students caught cheating on an assignment, Midterm or on the Final Examination will receive no credit and will be reported to the chair of the department, who may take appropriate action.

Students are encouraged to work together on assignment problems. However, you are not simply to copy the solutions of a fellow student. You should understand what you hand in and you should be prepared and able to explain your solution. I will occasionally ask students to explain their assignment solutions to me.

As a guideline, prepare the solution you hand in on your own, without looking at other people's work.