Two-cover descent on plane quartics with rational bitangents: electronic resources

Electronic resources for the article Two-cover descent on plane quartics with rational bitangents by Nils Bruin and Daniel Lewis.

routines.m: Magma file containing the code used to compute the electronic data. Example of its usage in Magma:

> Attach("routines.m");
> Process([-8,-29,7,-7,-24,3]);
    [ -8, -29, 7, -7, -24, 3 ],
    0, 0, 10, true
We explain the returned values:
[ -8, -29, 7, -7, -24, 3 ]
Moduli point: it describes the seven points in the plane (1:0:0),(0:1:0),(0:0:1),(1,1,1),(-8:-7:1),(-29:-24:1),(7:3:1)
The square of this is the absolute value of the discriminant of the quartic model we compute.
The set of primes at which this curve has local obstructions
The number of rational contact points of the bitangents
The size of the two-Selmer set
The rank of the two-Selmer group (or at least a lower bound on it)
A flag indicating whether the computation of the rank of the two-Selmer group resulted in the actual rank or only in a lower bound.

data6.txt: Data set A in the article. File with 81070 lines, each describing the output of Process called on the vectors with entries from [-6..6] describing data in general position.

data40.txt: Data set B in the article. File with 70000 lines, each describing the output of Process called on a vector with randomly chosen entries from [-40..40].