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The functions


  In this section we construct an infinite family of functions , where p is any integer greater than 1. Theoretically it possible to find an update to any order; ie. an equation relating with . We will find that this relation is particularly nice when N=p. This will give rise to p-th order iterations with a nice form. Our functions are constructed from the Dedekind eta function instead of the theta functions.

Let (with ). As usual the Dedekind eta function is defined as




See [12, p. 121,] for a proof. Now for p>1 (a positive integer) we define


where and . It should be noted that the functions and occured naturally in the Borwein-Borwein cubic iteration [6], [7]. Define




Here . From (3.2) we have




which follows from (3.3). The definition of was chosen so that it had a form analogous to that of (2.4) and that it satisfied a transformation like (3.9) below. Using (3.3) and (3.8) it is not hard to show that


Substituting r=1 gives


Since as we see that


Theorem 3.1

let be fixed. We have










[Proof of Theorem 3.1]

When N=p, the function has a nice form


so that


The proof of (3.17) follows easily from (3.2), (3.4) and (3.15). From (3.8) and (3.14) we have


By using (3.18) and (3.19) we find that (3.9) and (3.18) give rise to two equations involving and . These equations may be solved easily to yield


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Contents Next: The Symbolic Search Up: Approximations to via the Previous: The function