My main area of research is Computational Algebra which is also called Symbolic Computation. I am interested in polynomial algebra, in particular, computing with polynomials over the integers, number fields, and finite fields, algebraic function fields, and the problem of algebraic simplification.
One focus is the development of algorithms which use sparse interpolation methods. A second focus has been to develop efficient parallel algorithms for multi-core computers.
I have participated in the design and development of the Maple computer algebra system since 1983 and continue to do so, and currently have a joint project with Maplesoft, an NSERC CRD. I also contributed in a small way to the design of Axiom in 1987 and visited the Magma group in Sydney in 2003.
My other research interests include, automatic differentiation, algorithms and data structures, Groebner bases, and various problems in computational number theory.
At SFU I am directing the computational algebra group: CAG. We are working on a variety of problems in computer algebra and symbolic computation.
Research Projects and Proposals
NSERC Alliance Grant (2022-2025)
New Polynomial GCD and Factorization Algorithms and Software for Maple
NSERC Discovery Grant (2019-2024)
Fast Algorithms and Libraries for Polynomials.
NSERC Discovery Grant (2014-2019)
Parallel Algorithms for Polynomials.
NSERC CRD Grant (2013-2016)
Parallel Algorithms, Data Structures and Libraries for Polynomials
NSERC Discovery Grant (2009-2014)
Algorithms for Multivariate Polynomials.
MPRIME (formerly MITACS) project (2007-2012)
Mathematics of Computer Algebra and Analysis (MOCAA)