The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser

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CAG Meeting Schedule ACA 2024, Havana, Cuba ICMS 2024, Durham, England ISSAC 2024, Raleigh CICM 2024, Montreal CASC 2024, Rennes, France


What is Symbolic Computation in Software Science (Buchberger) Hashing with chaining video P verses NP video
  Probabilisitic Algorithms
It probably works! Schwarz-Zippel Lemma The curious history of ... Computing one billion roots


Applications Center How to program with formulas

The Computer Algebra Group (CAG) at Simon Fraser University began in 1997. Members of the group are primarilly interested in the area known as Computer Algebra or Symbolic Computation. We use and develop software for the Maple and the Magma computer algebra systems. The director of the CAG, Dr. Michael Monagan, is one of the authors of Maple. For more information about the group and our research interests see About Us.

Michael Monagan, Faculty, Director
My primary research area is symbolic computation.
I am interested in algebraic algorithms and the design
of computer algebra systems like Maple and Magma.
My Homepage

Tian Chen, Post Doctoral Fellow
I am interested in algebraic (symbolic) computation.
My current research project is to design and analyze
efficient algorithms for multivariate polynomial factorization.
On the side, I like to read and learn number theory.

Garrett Paluck, PhD student
I am currently interested in improving the Hensel
lifting algorithm for factoring polynomials with n>2 factors
over finite fields.

Mahsa Ansari, PhD student

Hyukho Kwon, MSc April 2024
My current research project focuses on fast
algorithms and the tangent Graeffe root finding
method. I am interested in theoretical computing
science and machine learning.

Archit Srivastava, MSc Student.
I am interested in problems at the intersection
of computer science and mathematics. I am currently
working on Fast Extended Euclidean Algorithm.

Last updated January 2025.