The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser
Maple code, Maple worksheets, and other documents repository.
Lucas Hu
Maple worksheet (.mw) for algebra GCD
Maple worksheet (.pdf) for algebra GCD
Maple code (plain text) for recden
Michael Monagan and Baris Tuncer
Paper Examples worksheet (.pdf)
Paper Examples worksheet (.mw)
Preprint: The complexity of sparse Hensel lifting and sparse polynomial factorization, 2018.
John Kluesner and Michael Monagan
Code and Examples
Computing GCDs of polyomials modular triangular sets, 2017.
Andrew Arnold and Michael Monagan
[ Tables of cyclotomic polynomials of large height. ]
Preprint: Calculating cyclotomic polynomials of very large height.
Mahdi Javadi and Michael Monagan
C code and Magma code for our ASCM '09 paper.
November 2009
[ Magma benchmark code (magma.txt) ]
[ Our C library src code (inplace.c) ]
[ Copy of our paper (paper.pdf) ]
Michael Monagan
GraphTheory version 27 (GTv27) code.
September 2006
[ README (.txt) ]
[ GTv26 (.txt) ]
[ CMv26 (.txt) ]
[ GDv26 (.txt) ]
[ RGv26 (.txt) ]
[ SGv26 (.txt) ]
[ SIv26 (.txt) ]
[ VPv26 (.txt) ]
[ GTdemo (.mw) ]
[ GTdemo2 (.mw) ]
Mahdi Javadi and Michael Monagan
ISSAC paper appendix: A primitive fraction-free Euclidean algorithm
code for GCD computation over an algebraic function field.
May 2007
[ javadiPPRS.pdf ]
Roman Pearce
Talk and demo of the F4 algorithm.
The talk, Maple code, and worksheet with examples.
Multiple Extensions described in the van Hoeij / Monagan reference above.
November 2005
[ Talk (.pdf) ]
[ Talk (.tex) ]
[ Worksheet (.mw) ]
[ rowsort (file of Maple code) ]
[ maintest (file of test systems) ]
Michael Monagan and Allan Wittkopf
Maple worksheet for CECM '04 day presentation of Maple 9.5.
July 2004
[ What's new in Maple: Release 9.5 ]
Michael Monagan
Maple Code for the Modular GCD Algorithm over Number Fields Presented with
Multiple Extensions described in the van Hoeij / Monagan reference above.
July 2003
[ NGCD ]
[ MGCD ]
[ AGCD ]
[ PGCD ]
[ recden ]
[ testMgcd ]
[ testPgcd ]
[ testNgcd ]
[ demo.mws ]
[ gcd.mws ]
Michael Monagan
Examples of Maple progams for the 2004 Maple Summer Workshop
June 2004
[ CellAuto.mws ]
[ EucAlg.mws ]
[ Newton.mws ]
[ RSA.mws ]
[ DIFF.mws ]
[ Fractals.mws ]
[ RREF.mws ]
[ RootPlot.mws ]
Greg Baker's help page for making posters at SFU.
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