The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser

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CAG Schedule for 1999

    10 (snow storm - SFU was closed) 17 Edgardo Cheb-Terrab, ``Some Problems in Differential Eqations'' 24 Michael Monagan, ``Maple Internal Structures and Consequences''
    03 Greg Fee, ``GCDs in Z[x,y] Using phi(a(x,y)) = a(h(y),y) for h(y) is in Z[y]'' 10 Kevin Hare, ``RSA, LLL, and Coppersmith's Theorem'' 17 Petr Lisonek, ``Reconstructing Complex Rationals from Modular Images'' 24 Peter Borwein, ``Three Pieces of (Computational) Number Theory and a Litle Philosophy'' 31 Mark Siggers, ``Generic Univariate Hensel Lifting''
    07 (starting at 9:00am!) Michael Ludkovski, ``Browns Dense Modular GCD Algorithm versus Zippel's Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm'' (Directed Studies talk) Wolfram Bentz, ``Berlekamp's Factorization Algorithm for a(x) in Zp[x]'' 14 Matt Klassen, ``The Reverse Engineering Calculator'' 20 A DAY OF MAPLE AT SIMON FRASER: 9:30-9:50 Greg Fee: ``Gauss-Legendre quadrature'' 10:00-10:20 Allan Wittkopf: RIFsimp: a package for simplification and preprocessing of PDE/ODE systems. 10:30-10:50 Edgardo Cheb-Terrab: Computer algebra approach for solving analytic systems of DEs. 11:00-12:00 Jacques Carette: ``What's new in the Maple kernel.'' 1:30-2:30 Jaques Carette: ``What's new in the Maple library'' 2:30-2:50 Petr Lisonek: Simplification of elementary functions and elementary constants in Maple. 3:30-3:50 Kevin Hare: Rapid computation of Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers and other rational poly-exponential functions. 4:00-4:20 Matt Klassen: ``Number recognition: the reverse engineering calculator''
    12 Edgardo Cheb-Terrab, ``On the Hunt for New Integrable Abel ODE Classes'' 26 Petr Lisonek, ``Applications of Elimination Theory in Geometric Reasoning''
    02 Petr Lisonek, ``Applications of Elimination Theory in Geometric Reasoning'' (Part 2) 09 Edgardo Cheb-Terrab, ``The Grassmann Package'' 16 Edgardo Cheb-Terrab, ``The Quantum Fields (QFT) Package'' 30 Michael Monagan, ``Visual's for Concepts in Undergrad Mathematics''
    14 David Holmgren, ``Information from the Stars - Nonlinear Least-squares in Astrophysics'' 21 Robert Israel, ``Rigidity of Tetrahedra'' 28-31 ISSAC
August September
    22 Michael Monagan, ``Computing in Q(alpha)[x1,x2,...,xn] where the Number Field Q(alpha) has Low Degree'' 29 Edgardo Cheb-Terrab, ``dsolve Design''
    06 Michael Monagan: ``Rational Reconstruction Applied to lex Groebner Bases'' Greg Fee: ``Fast Computation of Binomial Coefficients'' 13 Allan Wittkopf: ``The Characteristic Sets Method for Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations'' Michael Monagan: ``A Fast Implementation of the Dense Modular GCD Algorithm for Z[x,y] and a Comparison with Other Methods in Maple'' 20 Petr Lisonek, ``Some Properties of Multipolynomial Resultants'' 27 Kevin Hare, ``Pisot Numbers''.
    10 Colin Percival, ``Rapid Multiplication Modulo a +- b, e.g. k*2^n +- 1''

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