The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser

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2024 Meetings 2023 Meetings 2022 Meetings 2021 Meetings 2020 Meetings 2019 Meetings 2018 Meetings 2017 Meetings 2016 Meetings 2015 Meetings 2014 Meetings 2013 Meetings 2012 Meetings 2011 Meetings 2010 Meetings 2009 Meetings 2008 Meetings 2007 Meetings 2006 Meetings 2005 Meetings 2004 Meetings 2003 Meetings 2002 Meetings 2001 Meetings 2000 Meetings 1999 Meetings 1998 Meetings

Computer Algebra Group Meetings and Seminars at SFU

Talks for 2020

January 2020
  14   Joris van der Hoeven, l'École polytechnique, Paris, 9:30am in K9509.
         Sparse interpolation Part II.  [ slides ]
  21   Joris van der Hoeven, l'École polytechnique, Paris, 1:30pm in K9509.
         Historic algorithms for integer multiplication. 
  28   Joris van der Hoeven, l'École polytechnique, Paris, 1:30pm in ASB 10900 (irmacs theatre).
         Integer multiplication in time O(n log n).
February 2020
  27   Michael Monagan, CECM, 9:00-10:20am in K9509.
         Introduction to big O notation and the analysis of algorithms.
July 2020
  15   Michael Monagan, CECM, 10:30-11:20am, Online.
         Implementing the tangent Graeffe root finding method.
August 2020
  14   Kimberly Connolly, Department of Mathematics, 10:00-10:30am, Online.
         A Maple implementation of FFT-based algorithms for polynomial multipoint evaluation, interpolation and solving transpose Vandermonde

COVID 19 has prevented us from meeting physically but we have been meeting online using zoom since May 11th.