The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser
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CAG Schedule for 2006
13 Roman Pearce: Fast Computation in Quotient Rings
19 David Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California.
Experimental Mathematics in the Normality of Pi
27 Aaron Bradford: Discrete Logarithms using the Index Calculus Method
Allan Wittopf: The LINZIP GCD Implementation: Timings
Michael Monagan: Multivariate GCDs over Algebraic Function Fields
10 Vahid Abdoley: Computing characters of a group using characters of factor Groups: preliminary results.
24 Mohammad Ghebleh and Michael Monagan:
Status report and demonstration of the GraphTheory project: version GTv23
GTv23 Demo I(.mw)
GTv23 Demo II(.mw)
22 Colin Percival: Integer Factorization in Maple.
7 Vahid Abdoley: Finite Groups in Maple.
18 Michael Monagan: Computing all Graphs on 11 Vertices in Maple
25 Greg Fee: The Exact Solution of Trefethen's 100 digit Challenge Problem Number 7
1 Allan Wittkopf: The new plots[implicitplot]
8 Robert Israel: Plotting Intersections of Surfaces
Maple 10 standard GUI worksheet (.mw)
Roman Pearce: A Sparse Strategy for Polynomial Division with Application to F4.
15 No meeting: CAIMS-MITACS Conference, York University, Toronto.
22 No meeting: SIAM Discrete Mathematics Day, IRMACS, SFU.
Ron Graham is speaking on "Archimedes and the Stomachion" at 2:15pm.
29 No meeting: Industrial Math Workshop day (Jeff Williams).
6 Wenqin Zhou, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario
Large Expression Management in Computer Algebra for Symbolic Modelling.
7 Michael Rosen: Polynomials, permutations, prime ideals, and factoring polynomials modulo p.
(Number theory group talk at 3:00-4:00pm in K9509)
13 No meeting: ISSAC Conference, Genoa, Italy
27 SFU talks at Wilfred Laurier University, room BA 113, 4:30-6:00pm.
Ha Le: A Maple Implementation of Algorithms for Computing the ORE Closure.
Simon Lo: The All Pairs Distance Matrix and Graph Isomorphism.
Al Erickson: Animations of Algorithms in Graph Theory.
Michael Monagan: Graph Attributes, Hamiltonian Cycles, and Graph Coloring.
Mahdi Javadi: An Algorithm for Computing the GCD of Sparse Polynomials over Algebraic Function Fields.
9 Mark Giesbrecht, Symbolic Computation Group, University of Waterloo
Probabilistic Algorithms for the Stable Interpolation of Sparse Approximate Polynomials
9 CECM day '06
14 Maple Course: Teaching and Doing Mathematics with Maple
15 Organizational Meeting
22 Roman Pearce: Improvements in Maple 11's Groebner Package
11 Mahdi Javadi: Gcd computation over algebraic function fields
25 Troels Windfeldt: Implementing an Algorithm for the Quillen-Suslin Theorem
1 Keith Geddes: Hybrid symbolic-numeric multiple integration and other applications of tensor product series
22 Greg Fee: Zeros and Poles of diagonal Pade Approximates to functions related to the Riemann Zeta function.
Mahdi Javadi's M.Sc. Thesis Defense: 11:30am in K9509.
29 Liang Chen: Solving systems of linear equations over cyclotomic field.
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