The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser
Computational Algebra Group at SFU
2004 Preprints
J. F. Ogilvie.
Teaching and Doing Mathematics with Symbolic Computation.
2004 [ PDF ]
J. van Stralen, L. Viischer and J. Ogilvie.
Theoretical and experminental evaluation of hte radial function for
the electric dipole moment of hydrogen iodide.
May 2004
[ PDF ]
J. de Kleine, M. Monagan, A. Wittkopf
The Non-Monic Case in the Sparse Modular GCD Algorithm.
May 2004
[ PDF ]
[ PostScript ]
M. Monagan, R. Pearce
The PolynomialIdeals Maple Package.
May 2004
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[ PostScript ]
Michael Monagan, Greg Fee
A Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator for Maple
January 2003, July 2004
[ PostScript ]
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E. Cheb-Terrab
Solutions for the General, Confluent and Biconfluent Heun equations
and their connection with Abel equations.
April 2004 (to the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General)
[ PDF ]
E. Cheb-Terrab
A connection between Abel and pFq hypergeometric differential equations.
Feburary 2004 (to the European Journal of Applied Mathematics)
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[ PostScript ]
L. Chan, E. Cheb-Terrab
Non-Liouvillian solutions for second order linear ODEs.
January 2004
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[ PostScript ]
Jeffrey B. Farr and Shuhong Gau
Computing Groebner Bases for Vanishing Ideals of Finite Sets of Points.
January 2004
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[ PostScript ]
A. D. Roche
A solution algorithm for the Abel Inverse Riccati ODE
January 2004
[ DVI ]
[ PostScript ]
M. van Hoeij, M. B. Monagan
Algorithms for Polynomial GCD Computation over Algebraic Function Fields.
January 2004
[ DVI ]
[ PostScript ]
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