The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser
Computational Algebra Group at SFU
2016 Preprints, Posters and Theses
Michael Monagan and Baris Tuncer
Some results on counting roots of polynomials and the Sylvester resultant.
[ Poster: PDF ]
[ Paper: PDF ]
FPSAC 2016, Vancouver, July 5th, 2016.
Jiaxiong Hu and Michael Monagan
A fast parallel sparse polynomial GCD algorithm.
[ Preprint ] Proceedings of ISSAC 2016, ACM Press, pp. 271–278, 2016.
[ Correction ] Corrects an error in the linear algebra in section 1.4.
[ Talk: PDF ] Presented at ISSAC 2016, Waterloo, July 19–22, 2016.
Michael Monagan and Baris Tuncer
Using Sparse Interpolation in Hensel Lifting.
[ Preprint: PDF ]
Accepted for CASC 2016, Bucharest, Romania, September 19–23, 2016.
Marshall Law and Michael Monagan
Computing Characteristic Polynomials of Matrices of Structured Polynomials.
[ Poster: PDF ]
Presented at ISSAC 2016, WLU, Waterloo, July 19–22, 2016.
Presented at the 2016 Symposium on Mathematics and Computation, SFU, August 15, 2016.
[ Paper: PDF ] Accepted for CASC 2016, Bucharest, Romania, September 19–23, 2016.
Michael Monagan and Alan Wong
Fast parallel multi-point evaluation of sparse polynomials.
[ Poster: PDF ]
Presented at ISSAC 2016, WLU, Waterloo, July 19–22, 2016.
Presented at the 2016 Symposium on Mathematics and Computation, SFU, August 15, 2016.
[ Talk: PDF ]
Presented at MICA 2016, University of Wateroo, Waterloo, July 18, 2016.
Jesse Elliott
Recovery of exponents of polynomials of high degree.
[ Poster (.pdf) ]
Presented at the 2016 Symposium on Mathematics and Computation, SFU, August 15, 2016.
[ Honours Thesis (.pdf) ] Presented at SFU, December, 2016.
John Ogilvie
The hydrogen atom -- wave mechanics beyond Schroedinger;
orbitals as algebraic formulae derived in all four coordinate systems
Ciencia y Technologia 32(1) 1–24 (2016)
John Ogilvie
The hydrogen atom according to wave mechanics - I. spherical polar coordinates
Ciencia y Technologia 32(2) 1–24 (2016)
John Ogilvie
The hydrogen atom according to wave mechanics - II. paraboloidal coordinates
Ciencia y Technologia 32(2) 25–39 (2016)
John Ogilvie
The hydrogen atom according to wave mechanics - III. ellipsoidal coordinates
Ciencia y Technologia 32(2) 40–53 (2016)
John Ogilvie
The hydrogen atom according to wave mechanics - IV. spheroconical coordinates
Ciencia y Technologia 32(2) 54–68 (2016)
John Ogilvie
The hydrogen atom according to wave mechanics - V. implications of multiple coordinate systems
Ciencia y Technologia 32(2) 69–84 (2016)
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