The Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser

Photo taken March 2017. From left: Marshall Law, John Kluesner, Michael Monagan, Garrett Paluck, Justine Gauthier, Lucas Hu, Baris Tuncer, and Matthew Gibson.
The Computer Algebra Group (CAG) at Simon Fraser University began in 1997. Members of the group are primarilly intested in the area known as Computer Algebra or Symbolic Computation. We use and develop software for the Maple and the Magma computer algebra systems. The current areas of research interest in our group include
- Simplification of algebraic formulae.
- Polynomial factorization and polynomial GCD computation.
- Sparse polynomial and rational function interpolation.
- Parallel algorithm design and implementation.
- Data representation of multivariate polynomials.
- Groebner bases and ideal theoretic computations.
- Symbolic solution of ordinary differential equations.
- Recovery of formulae from floating point approxmations.
- Linear algebra over the integers, finite fields and number fields.
- Computer algebra system design, in particular Maple and Magma.
The CAG maintains a close relationship with Maplesoft the producer of the computer algebra system Maple.
The director of the CAG, Dr. Michael Monagan, is one of the authors of Maple.

Photo taken February 2006. From left, Mahdi Javadi, Ron Ferguson, Michael Monagan (director), Peter Borwein, Ha Le, Mohammad Ghebleh, Austin Roche, Allan Wittkopf, Liang Chen, Greg Fee, Al Erickson, Vahid Dabbaghian, Roman Pearce.
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